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[escepticos] Fides et Ratio

Para los intelectuales de la lista, en esta direccion del Vaticano esta
completa en ingles la nueva enciclica papal "Fides et Ratio".


Parece que la Iglesia ha preferido tomar una posicion un poco polemica
con respecto a la ciencia, hay varios trechos interesantes en la misma:


As a result of the crisis of rationalism, what has appeared finally is
nihilism. As a philosophy of nothingness, it has a certain attraction
for people of our time. Its adherents claim that the search is an end in
itself, without any hope or possibility of ever attaining the goal of
truth. In the nihilist interpretation, life is no more than an occasion
for sensations and experiences in which the ephemeral has pride of
place. Nihilism is at the root of the widespread mentality which claims
that a definitive commitment should no longer be made, because
everything is fleeting and provisional.

