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Re: [escepticos] conspiranoicos

At 18:22 27/05/2002 +0100, you wrote:


El Lun 27 May 2002 10:55, oswaldo tecleó:
> Vamos, que el mensaje de esta tal Silvia es una larga parrafada de
> ataques ad-hominem, que nadie va a molestarse en comprobar si
> alguna de sus acusaciones es cierta o no, mientras que no reconoce
> que la razón científica no está de su parte. La cosa suena
> familiar.

  Hay un hilo sobre este mismo asunto en Barrapunto:

  Marmi ¿estás seguro de que no se ha confirmado el resultado? Según
cuenta Yonderboy en un comentario a la noticia, parece ser que sí.


Marmi tiene razón, Nature en una nota editorial concluye que no hay evidencia suficiente para respaldar la introgression de DNA transgénico en el maíz.
Aquí va la nota:

Nature 416, 602 (2002)
Editorial note
In our 29 November issue, we published the paper "Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in Oaxaca, Mexico" by David Quist and Ignacio Chapela. Subsequently, we received several criticisms of the paper, to which we obtained responses from the authors and consulted referees over the exchanges. In the meantime, the authors agreed to obtain further data, on a timetable agreed with us, that might prove beyond reasonable doubt that transgenes have indeed become integrated into the maize genome. The authors have now obtained some additional data, but there is disagreement between them and a referee as to whether these results significantly bolster their argument.
In light of these discussions and the diverse advice received, Nature has concluded that the evidence available is not sufficient to justify the publication of the original paper. As the authors nevertheless wish to stand by the available evidence for their conclusions, we feel it best simply to make these circumstances clear, to publish the criticisms, the authors' response and new data, and to allow our readers to judge the science for themselves.
Editor, Nature"


F. Perfectti                     fperfect en supercable.es