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>Return-Path: glitter en anshar.shadow.net
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Thu, 1 Aug 1996 10:14:43 +0200 (MET DST)
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>From raticulin
From: "Earth Friends" <Pegasus496 en aol.com>
>To: Pegasus496 en anshar.shadow.net
>Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 16:19:11 +0000
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>Subject: astrology
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>TAKE A LOOK AT YOURSELF through the eyes of an astrologer with the
>Astro Talk Personal Profile Report.
>This comprehensive 25 to 50 page report gives you a detailed birth
>chart profile, for $28.00 (includes shipping and handling).  Check or
>money order accepted.
>For each report ordered please indicate the following:
>Name, Birth Date (month/day/year), Birth Time (am or pm), and Birth
>Send to:  Spiritual Bliss, P.O. Box 11402, Daytona Beach FL  32120 
>You will receive your personal profile report(s) within two to three
>weeks.  Thank you.
>**If you prefer not be on this mailing list, please let me know, and
>you will be promptly removed.


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InterNet: apeiron en arrakis.es
Escéptico afisionao
Pornófilo, no Pornófago
'Si el trabajo fuera gueno para el cuerpo
 se lo guardarian los ricos para ellos mismos'
- Proverbio punkero