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Re: [escepticos] Escépticos creyentes y la lista

> Si yo creyese en la astrología pero admitiese que es una creencia, ¿se
> respetaría mi creencia? ¿podría considerarme un "escéptico crédulo"?

	Bueno, de hecho esta es una de las preguntas que estan sin
contestar en el FAQ... aparece como "¿Por qué os metéis con las revistas 
esotéricas y no con la Biblia o el Corán?"  Alguien se anima a responderla?

	Esto es lo que dice el FAQ de sci.skeptics :

0.6.3: Why don't skeptics debunk religions?

Skeptics aim to debunk false claims and silly theories by using the
*evidence*.  The question of whether God exists is not one for which
evidence is available, and so skeptics tend to treat it as a private matter. 
When someone claims to have evidence (such as a miraculous healing) then
skeptics are as ready to test this claim as they are any other. Debunking of
a particular miracle shouldn't be taken as an assault on the religious
system behind that miracle, however. Religions are by definition outside the
ambit of scientific skepticism.

Most skeptics agree that it is perfectly possible to be a skeptic about
paranormal claims but still honestly believe in God.  Martin Gardner is a
"dry" skeptic and one of the founders of CSICOP.  He also believes in a
personal god and describes himself as a "philosophical theist".

Most skeptics tend to take an "agnostic-atheist" attitude, assuming that God
does not exist until evidence to the contrary turns up.

If you are interested in organisations that oppose religion in general then
see the talk.atheism FAQ "Atheist Resources" for a list of atheist and
humanist organisations.

	Hasta ahora,
