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[escepticos] Publicidad falaz

Hola a todos,

Supongo que mas de una vez habrá salido el tema de la publicidad que juega
con conceptos mas  o menos científicos para decir medias verdades, o la
que, pura y simplemente, es falsa y explota la buena fe de la gente deseosa
de obtener remedios milagrosos: aguas que "ayudan a no engordar", cremas
con oligoelementos(?), jabones que eliminan radicales libres, crecepelos,
Ahora la que nos hace alucinar por un tubo (de pasta de dientes) es nada
menos que la multinacional Colgate. Ahí va tal como lo cuenta el NEW
SCIENTIST de esta semana, con su fina ironía británica:

Has Colgate-Palmolive discovered a cheap way of generating molecular
oxygen? Is its toothpaste going to solve the world's energy problems? 

The company's Sensation Deep Clean toothpaste contains bicarbonate of soda.
This, the advertisements assure us, is a special ingredient that releases
tiny bubbles of oxygen which swirl around our teeth as we brush. 

Exciting news, if only it were true. Sadly, it isn't. When bicarbonate of
soda is dissolved in water it releases carbon dioxide, a gas which the
world already has more than enough of. 

Perhaps Colgate-Palmolive's advertising agency didn't think CO2 was
glamorous enough for its toothpaste. Or perhaps the copywriters need to
learn a little more basic chemistry.

Sencillamente wanderfull.

