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Re: [escepticos] Cosas de informaticos

 > > Huh?  Contrary to popular misconceptions, the year 2000 is actually the
 > >LAST year of this millennium.  After Dec 31 1999 we will have completed
 > >1999 full years.  Jan 1 2001 is the first day of the next millennium.
 > Contrary to popular misconceptions, PEOPLE DON'T CARE!
 > The fact that our forefathers were Pascal-programmers, and started
 > counting from one does not mean that we have to continue that mistake
 > forever.  We've since moved on to C, and the change from 1999->2000 is a
 > counting from one does not mean that we have to continue that mistake
 > lot more interesting in a base-10 system than the change from
 > 2000->2001.

Si el cambio de intervalo de tiempo ocurre con el cambio de 
digito, entonces ya llevamos casi un siglo en el segundo 
decasiglo ("decasiglo" = diez siglos), porque este debio 
comenzar al pasar del siglo 19 al 20. Uno pensaria que un 
decasiglo (10 x 100 a~nos) es igual a un milenio (1000 a~nos), 
pero como Linus Torwald dice, a la gente no le importan detalles
irrelevantes tales como ser consistente.

Miguel A. Lerma