R.T Carroll (http://skepdic.com/) <http://skepdic.com/> dio por
concluido el Diccionario Escéptico y posteó un mensaje sorprendente.
¡¡¡Sería interesante que alguien lo tradujera al español!!!
Today I announce the end of The Skeptic's Dictionary.
I did not think I could ever give up my skepticism but I have recently
had an experience that has changed my mind about everything I have come
to disbelieve.
My transformation started out innocently enough. I was reading an
interview with William Dembski in Christianity Today. Yes, I have been a
covert reader for some time now. Anyway, something Dembski said
resonated with me like nothing has resonated with me for a long time. He
said "We don't know what randomness is, or the way we get at randomness
is by knowing what randomness is not. What would happen repeatedly was
you'd find something with a pure random but then you'd find the pattern
in it. Randomness was always a provisional designation until we found
the pattern or design in it. " Eureka!