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RV: The Mysterious Origins of Man
Transcribo mi dialogo con la NBC.
Podeis contestar a Bill H Cote si lo creeis oportuno.
Un abrazo
Dr. fares
De: Bill H Cote[SMTP:bcvideo en interport.net]
Enviado el: sabado 29 de junio de 1996 13:50
Para: Felix Ares de Blas
Asunto: Re: The Mysterious Origins of Man
>The Idea of footprint of man between the dinosaurs is absolutely stupid.
>Felix Ares
>Ph. D. University of Basque Country
I don't think ideas are stupid, only people. If you don't think men and
dinosaurs could have co-existed, how do we explain the bones of home
sapiens found in rock strata dating to 100 million years ago, as detailed
in the book Forbidden Archaeology?
Lets keep our minds open, or we might miss something.