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Independence Day Panic
Reenvio este mensaje recibido en la lista de Skeptic de USA.
Alguien se ha enterado de lo que dice este tio o es que se quiere quedar
con nosotros?. O es que se creen que en España somos tan ignorantes como ellos?
Bueno pues segun me acaban de comentar la noticia es cierta, lo cual me
deja alucinado. ¿Tanto idiota hay en España? Porque una cosa es ser credulo
y otra ser tan imbecil como para creerse semejante historia. Esto roza el
ridiculo mas absoluto y lo peor es que se tengan que enterar de estas cosas
en el resto del mundo.
Un saludo
>Return-Path: owner-skeptic en listproc.hcf.jhu.edu
>Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 17:49:43 -0400
>Reply-To: skeptic en listproc.hcf.jhu.edu
>Sender: owner-skeptic en listproc.hcf.jhu.edu
>From raticulin
From: tad en ssc.com
>To: skeptic en listproc.hcf.jhu.edu (Skeptic Discussion Group)
>Subject: Independence Day Panic
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 7.1 -- ListProcessor by CREN
>AP 9-Sep-1996 23:18 EDT
>Copyright 1996. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
>MADRID, Spain (AP) -- Hundreds of panicked Spaniards flooded TV and
>radio switchboards with calls this weekend when
>a newscaster broke in with a report showing
>space aliens hovering over
>New York.
>The purported news flashes that appeared Saturday and Sunday on the
>Telecinco network were in fact advertisements
>for the film "Independence Day," which opens in
>Spain on Friday.
>The PubliEspana advertising firm figured viewers wouldn't be taken
>in by the spoof of Orson Welles' "The War
>of the Worlds" -- the 1938 radio play that created a
>short but memorable panic in
>the United States.
>We wanted to do something different, cause some excitement, but
>certainly not fear," an advertising executive,
>Jose Luis Andarias, said Monday.
>But plenty of Spaniards believed the film's scenes of a White House
>press conference about th invasion, and an
>announcer breaking away to shots of New Yorkers
>fleeing in the streets.
>Tad Cook
>tad en ssc.com