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 Msj  : #6312 [118]                                                             
 De   : Juan Carlos Valero                  2:343/143.12    Jue 10 Oct 96 20:55 
 Para : Todos                                                                   
 Tema : AUFORA - British UFO Sightings                                          
El 10 Oct 96  08:00:13 hablabas de <AUFORA - British UFO Sightings>

====================<Forward Summary>==========================
* Forwarded by Juan Carlos Valero (2:343/143.12)
* Area: NETMAIL ()
* From raticulin
From: dwatanab en acs.ucalgary.ca,113:343/1.666 (10 Oct 96  08:00)
* To  : jcvalero
* Subj: AUFORA - British UFO Sightings
* With: F.I.P.S./32 Win95/WinNT v0.96a
=====================<Begin Forward>===========================

AUFORA News Update
Wednesday, October 9th, 1996

     from the Walthamstow Guardian
A man from Howard Road, Walthamstow, claims to have seen a mysterious craft in
the sky at 0240 on Friday 28th September, the same night as the eclipse of the

He described the unidentified flying object as 'triangular and orange in color'.

Roy Lake,a London UFO Specialist to whom the man reported the sighting, says the
desciption bears out other sightings across the capital over the last few weeks.

"In September last year we had only three reports of UFOs. This year, we have
had forty. They include several of this triangular object with green lights
which has now been seen in Walthamstow and Chingford.

"There is definately something big happening", he said.

Mr Lake wants to hear from anyone else who has seen a UFO. All phone calls will
be treated in complete confidence.

Call Mr Lake on 270 9919 or a colleague on 0171 684 0775.

AUFORA News Update
News, Information, Facts from the world of UFOlogy 

======================<End Forward>============================

     Espero sea de vuestro inter‚s.

Un fuerte saludo de,

Juan Carlos Valero
                       Internet  jcvalero en bbs-ce.uab.es
                       Fidonet   2:343/143.12
                       RedBBS  757:101/30.12

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 * Origin: MJ12, Acuarius, Roswell, Tivissa... ¨ te interesa ? (2:343/143.12)