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Carl Sagan en alt.paranet.skeptic
To those who are unfamiliar with the subject: In July 1976, one of the American robotic planetary probes, Viking, send back a picture from a region of Mars, called, "Cydonia." The picture showed what appeared to be a humanoid face carved from a small mountain (frame # 35A72). NASA held a press conference saying that a few hours later the site was rephotographed and the face "disappeared", claiming is was a trick of light and shadow. NASA has never actually showed this photo, and some 30 years later
(and after swearing to Congress that the Face was a trick of light and shadow), they finally admitted the disconfirming doesn't exist. How many of you saw THAT press conference? What WAS discovered by DiPietro and Molenaar, was frame # 70A13- misfiled, of course. In this picture the sun angle is higher and more of the right side of the Face can be seen, which adds weight to the argument that the Face is a very real, 3D object on the surface of Mars.
Richard Hoagland hypothesized that if it is real, and it's purpose was to be seen from ground level, there might be other "monuments" in the vicinity. And sure enough, there ARE pyramids and other objects that defy natural, geomorphological explanations immediately surrounding the Face and appear to have a mathematical relationship with each other.
What I hope to accomplish is to help end the ridiculous conspiracy of silence and disinformation, from unknown government officials, regarding any and all evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in our solar system. It appears that McDaniel has caught one of those government officials, and I want the world should know who he is.
Details on where to obtain a copy of the FULL report, which I highly recommend
to everyone, are at the end of this text file.
Please distribute without modification or charge.
The following is literally reprinted word-for-word of Section Eight, from the Third Draft Edition of The McDaniel Report, copyright 1993, without any permission or consent of any kind.
ESto debe de tener algo que ver con Sagan, que participó e imagino que criticó esas gilipolleces...
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