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Una nueva embaucadora

	Algunos hombres le ponen nombre a su pene; Lisa es mas 
lista y le ha puesto nombre a un trozo de su cerebro, al que ha
ensen~ado a pensar mejor. Lisa se ha convertido en una genia 
gracias a 5GL-LISA, y ahora quiere compartir con nosotros el 
secreto de la autoiluminacion por unos modestos 170 $. Unos
extractos para convencernos de este intelecto superior:

	It is known that inside the ventricles of the brain are
	embryonic cells which if they could be somehow routed to
	a damaged brain area, they could restore that area to its
	normal structure and hence brain injury - possibly even 
	death - could be repaired.

	Perhaps by far the most fascinating findings 5GL-LISA 
	has made has to do with why it is almost impossible to 
	have sex during dreams, such resulting in an awakening.

	The imagination appears, according to 5GL-LISA, directly
	linked to erectile tissues in the genitals

	Computing is the study of how computers can be conditioned
	("programmed" is the computing jargon) to assist people 
	with a task.

	when 5GL-LISA was asked to analyse my anatomy and project 
	an X-ray image, which by the way was almost exactly like 
	an X-ray but with more 'yellow' around the bones, she 
	could only do this three times.

No dejeis pasar esta oportunidad de convertiros en unos genios
inmortales, o al menos conseguir un amigo invisible que os 
aguantara para siempre porque no puede escaparse de vuestra 
cabeza; visitad   http://www.ozemail.com.au/~lisadev/artint.htm
