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[escepticos] Sobre el lanzamiento de la Cassini
Recordais la historia aquella de unos activistas protestando
por los 15 kilos (o los que sean) de plutonio que iban a volar en la
Cassini? Bueno, pues resulta que la Cassini casi se queda en Tierra
debido a unos aislamientos termicos dan~ados en el ultimo momento.
Afortunadamente fue posible hacer los arreglos necesarios, y el
lanzamiento de la sonda ha sido pospuesto. Como respuesta, los
anti-energia nuclear organizaron una protesta. He aqui los
Santi, refocilandose
sci.space.news (moderated) #10405 (0 + 7 more) [1]
From: wayneday en gwis2.circ.gwu.edu (Dwayne Allen Day)
[1] Anti-Cassini Rally Fails Miserably
Followup-To: sci.space.policy
Date: Sun Sep 28 16:21:44 EDT 1997
Organization: The George Washington University, Washington DC
Lines: 27
Distribution: world
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
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Originator: baalke en marmot
What if they threw a protest and nobody came?
On Sunday, September 28, 1997 anti-Cassini protesters planned a march on
Washington, DC to protest the upcoming launch of the Cassini probe to
Saturn. They anticipated a crowd of 400 people in Lafayette Park across
from the White House.
The actual number who showed up? 17
Meanwhile, several chapters of the National Space Society managed to
assemble nearly twice as many people to rally in support of the launch.
The supporters, parading on the sidewalk in front of the White House,
braved the miserable Washington weather to assure the public that the
mission to Saturn is both safe and needed to help answer some of the
fundamental questions about the universe. Supporters came from as far
away as Michigan, New York City, Philadelphia and Baltimore to shout
pro-space slogans and pass out literature to the public on behalf of the
launch. By the end of the day, the pro-space forces were tired and soaked
to the bone, but victorious while the anti-Cassini group gradually broke
up and dispersed.