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[escepticos] RV: Homeopathy
Algunos datos de interes sobre la homeopatia...
> De: Willem Betz <wbetz en huis.vub.ac.be>
> Asunto: Homeopathy
> Fecha: miércoles 1 de octubre de 1997 19:01
> Some information to be used in case you meet a happy homeopath claiming
> that once more it has been proven....
> The expected article in the Lancet is published (Vol. 350; 20/09/97)
> "Are the clinical effects of homeopathy placebo effects? A meta-analysis
> placebo controlled trials"
> Conclusions by the authors:
> "The results...are not compatible with the hypothesis that the clinical
> effects of homeopathy are completely due to placebo"
> I wonder if happy homeopaths will also cite the following phrase:
> "But there is insufficient evidence from these studies that any single
> of homeopathic treatment is clearly effective in any one clinical
> .....
> "Our study has no major implications for clinical practice"....
> "It is likely that higher quality trials in homeopathy will show less
> significant results than those we found"
> Ther are in the same issue also some very good critical analyses by
> on the possible bias in the article that made H seem to have some effect
> over placebo.
> Prof. Dr. Willem Betz
> VUB Free University Brussels
> Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
> Laarbeeklaan, 103
> B-1090 Brussel
> Belgium
> phone: ++32/2/477.43.11 fax: ++32/2/477.43.01
> email office: wbetz en huis.vub.ac.be
> email home: wbetzhome en skynet.be