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[escepticos] RV: Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit

de interés para quienes no lo hayan leido... aun..
| De: SkeptInq en aol.com
| Asunto: Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
| Fecha: martes 7 de octubre de 1997 23:00
|  To CSICOP List Member, For Your Information
| Subj:   Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
|  Date:  97-09-02 09:37:47 EDT
|  From:  mpaine en tpgi.com.au (Michael Paine)
|  To:    info en csicop.org
|  In association with the Planetary Society Australian Volunteer
|  Coordinators I have prepared a web page which is an extract from
|  "Demon Haunted World" by Carl Sagan. Your surfers might be interested in
|  it: http://www1.tpgi.com.au/users/tps-seti/baloney.html
|  Regards Michael Paine
|  --  >>