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Re: [escepticos] the Big Brother

Jose M. Bello Dieguez wrote:

> Mig, acabo de probarlo y me he quedado de piedra. Asombroso. ¿Qu´e dicen los
> informáticos de la lista?
> Saludos,
> JM

Si tu vas a la pagina y accesas los comentarios de la midia, pues te
asustas aun mas, y las fechas son bastante recientes, del orden de
cuatro o cinco dias atras solamente. Coloco aqui solo el comentario de
Wired News:

                  Browser Privacy Fix Fails
                  by Chris Oakes 

                  10:35 a.m.  7.Oct.98.PDT
                  The man who discovered a vulnerability in
                  Netscape's Navigator browser wasted no
                  time in finding a similar problem in the latest
                  version of Navigator released Monday. 

                  Dan Brumleve, a software consultant, found
                  the original security hole in Navigator that
                  lets would-be intruders detect a list of Web
                  sites recently visited by an individual. Even
                  though the new version, Communicator
                  4.07, includes fixes for the original flaw,
                  Brumleve said Tuesday that they don't work.

                  "The new hole has the effect of
                  circumventing the read-protection
                  mechanism [employed by Netscape's
                  updated software] in a more general way,
                  allowing any document to insert JavaScript
                  code into another document's context," he
                  explained in an email. 

                  The ability to insert rogue JavaScript
                  instructions into a Web page still leaves
                  browsing information and other sensitive
                  data exposed, he said. Brumleve has written
                  test scripts enabling him to pilfer a user's file
                  directory and "cookies," which often contain
                  private information. 

                  Cookies are chunks of data used by some
                  Web sites to identify the browser, and the
                  user, visiting the site. In the wrong hands, an
                  intruder could visit a Web site using
                  someone else's identity. 

                  Netscape confirmed the hole in its new

                  "We've confirmed that, in fact, it is another
                  privacy bug," said product manager Eric
                  Byunn. "We'll be posting a notice to our Web
                  site about it, as we did on the other one."
                  Byunn said that Netscape will issue a
                  software fix as soon as possible. 

                  As with his earlier finding, dubbed
                  Cache-Cow, Brumleve posted his new
                  findings -- appropriately named Son of
                  Cache-Cow -- with demonstration scripts on
                  his own Web site as a warning. 

                  "Finding the Cache-Cow hole was a freak
                  accident of observation, and zeroing in on
                  this new hole only took a few hours of
                  research," he said. "There are probably
                  dozens of other problems like this that
                  nobody has found yet." 

                  The recurrence of privacy-oriented
                  vulnerabilities are a worrisome sign to some
                  experts that browser companies need to
                  rethink their approach, rather than simply
                  reacting to holes as they're discovered. 

                  "The fact that there are so many little leaks
                  like this is kind of disturbing," said Richard
                  Smith of Phar Lap Software. "I sent a list of
                  19 problems to Netscape and Microsoft in
                  these areas back in August. Their response
                  was that there was no way to get JavaScript
                  to access this stuff." 

                  Smith ran his own tests and confirmed at
                  least one of Brumleve's newly discovered
                  exploits. He made his own discoveries of
                  vulnerabilities in the Eudora email program
                  last summer. 

                  When the original problem surfaced,
                  Netscape said it would be investigating all
                  aspects of JavaScript to prevent similar
                  situations in the future. But despite the quick
                  discovery of a similar exploit, Byunn doesn't
                  consider the problem systematic. 

                  "This really is a new bug," he said. "It's
                  entirely separate from the previous bug in
                  the way the attack is made under the
                  covers. We really just feel it's more of a
                  coincidence and the fact that there's a smart
                  guy who's working hard to find privacy bugs
                  or vulnerabilities in our products." The
                  company is glad to get the feedback on its
                  software, Byunn said. 

                  But Smith thinks the browser companies
                  need to step back and take a bigger look at
                  interaction between different software
                  components like JavaScript and applications
                  like browsers. What Brumleve is dramatically
                  demonstrating, Smith said, are the
                  impressive capabilities that come from
                  combining browser actions with scripting
                  languages like JavaScript. 

                  "I don't think [any browser company] can
                  give you a [definitive] answer as to whether
                  there's a security hole or not.... They've got
                  to understand how products fit together
                  here. It's almost like Lego. We have the
                  danger that people don't realize that we can
                  put things together to figure out scary
                  security problems." 

                  As more companies use the Web to run
                  critical business applications, security holes
                  may represent lucrative opportunities for
                  electronic intruders. 

                  For example, Smith noted that Microsoft has
                  established a convention that causes its
                  personal finance software, Microsoft Money,
                  to launch automatically. Just like a browser,
                  which can be automatically started with
                  "http://"; text in an email message or script,
                  Microsoft Money can be launched using
                  "money://," Smith said. 

                  Therefore, Smith concluded, it's possible to
                  imagine a scenario where a person's
                  financial software could be induced to make
                  an electronic payment to a site, and not
                  necessarily the right one. 

                  In Smith's opinion, "there should be no way
                  that an email message can start up
                  Microsoft Money. That's the complexity issue
                  we get into here." 

                  Smith said Brumleve's exploits could also be
                  carried out via JavaScript included in email
                  messages. By sending a message carrying
                  a rogue script, the Netscape browser could
                  be made to launch and carry out the

                  Brumleve says the latest exploit affects all
                  versions of Netscape's browser that support
                  JavaScript, including the new one. He has
                  not tested the exploits on Microsoft's Internet
                  Explorer software, mainly because he does
                  not regularly use it, he said. 

                  Microsoft representatives could not be
                  reached for comment.