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[escepticos] Consultancy Services

los negocios estan malitos?, no se preocupe, aqui esta la solución:

Title: Consultancy Services

In the past decade, Uri Geller has given most of his time to science and medicine - to the benefit of research in both fields. Uri has also been privately active in assisting and consulting for exploration companies and governments in locating natural resources worldwide.

The Uri Geller Business Consultancy

Best known for his skills as a television entertainer and psychic clairvoyant, Uri Geller has now set up a business consultancy, specialising in helping larger multinational corporations take better decisions.

By using his insights and forcasting skills, Uri Geller can help you predict the major events that can affect your business, such as the actions of competitors, rapid changes in prices or unpredicted changes in customer needs.

Conventional business advisors can offer limited assistance on these types of issues - no one can match Uri Geller's ability to see clearly beyond the obvious. Uri Geller uses a unique combination of both substantial conventional knowledge and psychic powers. In an increasingly turbulent world, your business needs the Geller edge.

Uri Geller at the Zanex plant in the Solomon Islands.
In the mid 1980s Uri was hired by an Australian mining company, Zanex Ltd of Melbourne, to dowse for diamonds on the Solomon Islands. Just recently in an interview, the former chairman of Zanex said, "I will never drill an oil well without asking Uri Geller's advice first."

Some typical problems Mr Geller's consultancy addresses:

  • you are close to conducting a major property purchase. You need to know the other side's true evaluation of the transaction. We will help you access the lowest price they will accept.
  • oil prices seem low. Do you lock in at today's prices or continue to use the spot market? Our role will be to forecast future oil prices.
  • you are negotiating to buy a competitor in another country, where accounting standards are different. You need to know how much money the target is really making. We will assist you in estimating the real worth of the company.

"...there are many great scientific minds, learned and responsible people, influential people, and people in the mining industry that have been convinced by 'The Geller Effect'."
International Mining

"These days he charges a standard fee of £1m - more in areas he considers physically dangerous, less if he feels so inclined - as an advance against royalties...of the 11 projects he has undertaken in the past 10 years he says four have been big successes, where the royalties went way beyond the original £1m advance."
Financial Times

"What if he knows what the stock market or the gold market or the bond market will do next month, or next year? Don't laugh. Don't turn the page to quickly...President Carter was reported to be worried enough about the possiblities of pyschic warfare to order an investigation of Russian psychic research activities some years ago."

The Uri Geller Business Consultancy only deals with few select projects; the aim being to supplement the judgement of leading executives in multinational corporations. If you feel that your organisation is in a position to benefit from Mr Geller's unique skills, take advantage of the opportunity to contact Mr Geller by filling in the on-line form with an outline of your prespective project.

©1996 Uri Geller Associates