¿Sabes donde puedo encontar en la red foos en color de basalto caolines Gracias, Enrique -----Mensaje original----- De: Miguel Calvo [SMTP:calvoreb en posta.unizar.es] Enviado el: lunes 19 de abril de 1999 11:26 Para: escepticos en ccdis.dis.ulpgc.es Asunto: [escepticos] Tambien hay gente sensata en el mundo. Para que veais que no todo está perdido, os incluyo un intercambio de mensajes en una lista de correo relacionada con los minerales (yo soy mineralogista aficionado). Como sabeis, hay mucho merluzo/chorizo dispuesto a utilizar/vender minerales milagrosos para tratar todas las enfermedades, y a intentar hacer proselitismo por ahí. Esta es la forma en la que yo creo que se debe abordar el problema. Pauline wrote: > Have you heard of sugilite being used for cancer healing? > It's purplish in color and quite expensive. > Especially if you delay more conventional treatments in favor of this kind of approach. It's one thing to use stones to improve your mental attitude and outlook, or as tools in massage. It's outrageous to even bring this up as a treatment option for cancer. I don't usually tell people what to do on the list, but I am very strongly asking that we end this thread now. There is nothing of rockhound interest or welfare here, and much potential for distress, anger or real injury should someone with cancer or another serious condition decide to explore 'alternatives' involving rocks first. If you must discuss this, then take it to a different kind of mailing list. I spent a good part of last year with my husband watching our best friend die of cancer, not because of rock 'therapies', but because he chose to ignore symptoms til they could not be treated. Anything that could lead to the same result in another is not to be encouraged on a general discussion list, in my very strong opinion. Carol Por cierto, Carol es comerciante de gemas, y podría haberle vendido esa sugilita que quería utilizar. Parece que ha preferido quedarse con ella y ganar algo menos de dinero... pero dormir bien por las noches. Saludos Miguel Calvo Tecnologia de los Alimentos Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Zaragoza Miguel Servet 177 50013 Zaragoza Spain