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[escepticos] **MgGuffin triunfa en los EEUU
En la lista de correo sobre dinosaurios ha salido el tema del supuesto
dinosaurio vivo africano que los criptozoólogos llaman Mokele-Mbembe. Por
supuesto, les he anunciado inmediatamente que dicho animal existe y ha sido
ya fotografiado (por biólogos de la universidad Carlos V de Madrid), y que
podían comprobarlo en http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/5099/
Total, que como el sitio está en Spanish, un buen hombre ha recomendado a
los dinolisteros uso del traductor de Alta Vista (el pobre no sabe que,
debido a los problemas ortográficos de los magufos castellanohablantes, a
dicho traductor se le pueden fundir los plomos). Aquí tenéis lo que algunos
de estos pobres dinosaurólogos han tenido que soportar por mi culpa y por la
del optimista arriba mencionado.
(Por cierto, menudo aluvión de visitas para el sitio de MgGuffin y sus
Una píldora (la mejor): "Youth, we cannot deny it, it is the energetico
zenith of grapevinea"
Have fun!
Webzine alternative for people of open mind
" También to rierorn of Galileo " (anonymo)
Mag world, n 1. Vol. 1, time 1, February 1999
The Mokele Mbembe, to the photographed aim!!!!!
Cinetificos espa6noles privily maintains the tests of the existence of
dinosaurrios in the Áfricto entralC
This photo was taken in 1997 in an expedition to the Congo on the part of
cinetífic en s of the University Carlos V of airborne magnetic detectionryou
go. A group stayed privily until of livened up students robaron of the DPTO
of zoology.
You say what to us to isto, eh, excepticos?
The photo that alanteyouand nes is the best sample of than we offer
INFORMATIVE PUMPS to you. One is anything and nothing more less than
dinosaurio alive. Judgto by tí mism en if you align yourself with the
professional negativistas dominated by his rationalist cerebro left, or with
nosotr en s, open minded people.
Bruno MgCarb, director of MundoMag
The enemy to beat: The excepticos
With this number nd is bornMuoMag, orn fancine for all those and those that
have a cerebro or a.m.ueblado and opened to new experiences and knowledge
ocultyou. Because no matter how much they want to hide to us the guardians
of the SYSTEM areand other sciences in addition dandlto official, there is
ortr en s flat of reality, are inexpicables events that ofbin confronting
without perjuiciyou, no matter how much they want ocultarnolos.
The Mokemo-Melenbe, the secret history of a descubrimineto
Biólog en s of the Dpto. of Zoology of Berbradosof the University Carlos to
you V
of Madrid they try to mantiener privily what can be the cinetífica pump of
century. In one recent ornithological expedition to the north of the Congo,
native of the Bavili ethnic group hims toseguró that it saw the
Mekleme-Mbambo "
almost every day ". The drawings of this man showed " cuadrúpedo of heavy
tail ",
which finished intriguing to l en s biólog en s. Ningun en of integrant en s of equip en
oíd en to speak of est en anim en l, buscad en repetid en s times (without éxit en ) by
criptozoólog en Roy Mackal. Apparently, l en s nativ en s andnow staban interesad en s
presenting anim en l, so that the zone declared protegid en and received
aids. They guided l en s cinetífic en s through the forest and finelmbeing ran
with vari en s of these animals.
Why they take more of a year without disclosing the news? Why tantor
secret? What
single they were rumors in the mentioned university they have transformed
propagulada CERTAINTY afterorn to of the photographies she was robbed of
department and.
An anonymous Organization of students andstán against the cinetífico
excessive secrecy and will do what is in its hand to disclose the Truth.
(the Students by the Truth have also provided us a drawing of the possible
aspect of dinosaurio in " bilateral plane ").
A frucutífera conversation in the cafeteria
Nwe found with some members of the secret organization Students you by the
Truth in the cafeteria of the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the
University Carlos V of Madrid. Gr.tocias to them we can offer to the readers
of MundoMag an informative pump. PEror we want to know more. MundoMag is a
rigorous publication. The Students are arranged to provide all the necessary
data to us.
The aspect is definitively the one of a dinosaurio, inform to us. What type
of dinosaurio? We transcribed the following paragraphs, that the reader of
MundoMag can skip because he is excessively difficult technician and for
that reason the emos put in small and insignificant letter but.
" Cocretamente, belongs to the group of yamados the Hadrosauridos or " tips
of duck ". Criptozólogo however, always, had if it was saurópogave (like the
Diplordocus) that is, another type of herbívoros, but very different and
different. "
" Perhaps they thought about saurópodios because the native ones insisted
of which the Moleke-Membeb walked to four legs, and issta recently timeempo
the paleontological reconstructions of the " tips of duck " showed them like
bípedios animals, of perfil similar to the one of a kangaroo. Now one knows
that the " tips of duck " walked to four legs and corrían to two. " "
Although at the moment we do not have informaciónn leaked on the size of the
animal, the lonjitud of the fossil species of " duck tips " oscillates
between the 4 and the 13 metryou of lonjitud, being the 7 9 meters the plus
frecuenete in lonjitud "
But it is hour already of rnosdespedis of these dicharacheros students and
to look for other different points of view. We left to the Students by the
Truth in the cafeteria where they spend the hours, and as soon as we moved
away meters begin to loosen to the own guffaws of their power and pletórich
age. Youth, we cannot deny it, it is the energetico zenith of grapevinea.
The official point of view
Entrevistamos to Alberto Luis Sanz, expert official scientist in dinosaurios
MundoMag goes now to the rival University: Alfonso XIII of Madrid, to
interview to the paleontólogo Alberto Luis Sanz. He is one of mayores expert
Spanish in antediluvian terrible lizards and, as we have been able to
verify, a person of mentalidtod absolutely closed.
HERE ***
Ernesto J. C.
Homo webensis, la página para homínidos con sentido crítico y del humor,