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[escepticos] Genoma y derechos de autor

Hay un asunto que me tiene cada vez más pasmado. Yo tengo tan claro que es
lo correcto, que en algo me debo estar equivocando. O quizás sea que no
termino de entender la mentalidad tan comercial de los americanos. En el
último número de Nature se publica una noticia que empieza así:

"Biologists challenge sequencers on parasite genome publication
[WASHINGTON] Rival approaches to the way in which genome sequences are
published are creating growing tension between scientists at the sequencing
centres and those who want to use the sequencing data to further their study
of the organisms involved.
International consortia that are sequencing Plasmodium falciparum, a
parasite that causes malaria, and Trypanosoma brucei (see right), which
causes sleeping sickness, are each currently engaged in heated arguments
over the wisdom of publishing preliminary, annotated sequences in advance of
the completion of full sequences"

Podeis verla entera en http://www.uninet.edu/uci/Nature/Genoma.htm

¿Es que valen más los derechos de autor que el derecho a la salud? ¿Qué se
me escapa en esto?
