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[escepticos] RE: las piedras de las pirámides

Revisando aquí y allá he dado con el enlace de una tal "Fundación Metrología"
en el que se encuentra una transcripción (no se si confiable) de el estudio de
Flinders Petrie "The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh" de 1883.
Ese estudio, por lo visto, es el origen de todos los cuentos sobre taladros
extraterrestres. Concretamente, en el capítulo 9, se lee lo siguiente:

"133. The great pressure needed to force the drills and saws so rapidly through
the hard stones is very  surprising; probably a load of at least a ton or two
was placed on the 4 inch drills cutting in granite. On the  granite core, No.7,
the spiral of the cut sinks .1 inch in the circumference of 6 inches, or 1 in
60, a rate of  ploughing out of the quartz and felspar which is astonishing.
Yet these grooves cannot be due to the mere  scratching produced in withdrawing
the drill as has been suggested, since there would be about 1/10 inch  thick of
dust between the drill and the core at that part; thus there could be scarcely
any pressure applied  sideways, and the point of contact of the drill and
granite could not travel around the granite however the drill  might be turned
about. Hence these rapid spiral grooves cannot be ascribed to anything but the
descent of  the drill into the granite under enormous pressure ; unless,
indeed, we suppose a separate rymering tool to  have been employed alternately
with the drill for enlarging the groove, for which there is no adequate
evidence. "

Pregunto a los que si saben de estas cosas: ¿es la descripción de Petrie
ajustada? ¿un taladro tubular  produciría ese patrón de estrias? ¿donde puedo
encontrar información crítica sobre este punto concreto?
