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[escepticos] Transicion clasica en USA o golpe de estado?

Como veo que los medios en España están empeñados en presentar una realidad
en el debate electoral de USA que no corresponde realmente con lo que esta
sucediendo, les envio esto que me ha llegado (una de las tantas pero al
menos de una fuente que conozco.)
Diga lo que diga la prensa en España, la transicion en USA no va a ser lo
que ellos piensan. Hasta cierto punto, esta crisis, y la crisis es bien
real, es una en la que los americanos por primera vez en mucho tiempo tienen
que tomar una decision. O seguimos creyendo en el mito de los Estados Unidos
(que solo existe en las peliculas de holliwood) o nos enfrentamos de una vez
y por todas con el hecho de la realidad de los Estados Unidos (esa que se ve
inmediatamente si uno sale a la calle). Ese debate esta en el centro de este
llamado a la accion que les envio.
Es más, esto no viene, como podran comprobar, del lado de los Democratas,
sino de una tercera faccion que esta ganando cada dia mas gente en USA,
aunque nunca lleguen a ser una franca mayoria, la unica faccion con tan poco
para perder que se dio el lujo de declararse contra la pena de muerte y del
presente sistema de salud (mala salud, principalmente)en USA. Pero bueno, ni
siquiera Ralph Nader esperaba ganar las elecciones, sino comenzar a
construir, y en ese sentido fue todo un éxito, las bases para un partido de
izquierda en USA.
En fin, recomiendo una lectura del artículo citado del Miami Herald,
especialmente para los amantes de las especulaciones estadísticas. El otro
es una coleccion impresionante de la lista de las irregularidades ocurridas
en las elecciones, tambien muy interesante si uno basicamente conoce el
asunto a traves de la prensa española que la verdad ha hecho bastante poco
(tampoco era obligacion, claro, pero bueno) para dar un completo panorama
del asunto.

No se si en España se vio la pelicula clave de Michael Moore acerca del
cierre de General Motors en Flint, Michigan (Roger and me). Ese Michael
Moore, que era uno de los que apoyaban publicamente a Ralph Nader (cuando
dice que no voto por Gore, eso es lo que significa, no que votara por Bush)
es el mismo que firma este mail.

Algo me dice que tenemos mas sorpresas por venir. Se de buena fuente que se
prepara una muy vocal protesta por parte de la gente de Jesse Jackson para
el dia de la investidura.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 7:21 AM
To: Elisa Steinberg
Subject: golpe de Estado

Judgment Day O'Connor

An Open Letter from Michael Moore...

Dear friends,

I guess some sort of overthrow is taking place right here in the
good ol' U.S. of A. I knew   the U.S. Supreme Court was dominated by
reactionaries and conservatives. But, honestly -- I never, ever, believed
it was... crooked.

Until now.

This Court appears ready to install a President who did not win the
election. Can this really be happening?

Everyone knows that if the votes are ever counted in Florida, Gore is the
winner. George W. Bush knows that more than anyone -- that's why he's
fighting so desperately hard to stop that count from ever taking place. If
he felt he was truly the winner, his attitude would be, "Sure, go ahead and
count the ballots, I'm not worried 'cause I know I'm the winner."

But that's NOT what he thinks or knows. He knows he lost. EVERYONE knows he
lost. Let's cut the B.S. If those 12,000 ballots ever get counted, George W.
Bush is the loser and everyone with an I.Q. of over 70 knows it.

Why would the loser insist on being given the top prize? Have you ever heard
of such a thing? Not only that, he has convinced all the loser-lovers in the
Florida legislature and the U. S. House of Representatives to grant him the
victory in case he loses -- again -- in court.

In every other nation on this planet, they have a word for this behavior --
and that word is "coup."  George W. Bush and his allies in Congress, the
Florida legislature, and the U.S. Supreme Court are trying to stage a coup,
an overthrow of the will of the people.

According to last Sunday's stunning front-page story in the Miami Herald,
had there been no shenanigans in the Florida election, the Herald calculates
that Gore would have won Florida by 23,000 votes! You can check out this
story by clicking here:


The theft of this election didn't just start with Jeb Bush's girlfriend/Bush
for President Co-Chairwoman/Bush delegate to the Republican
Convention/Secretary of State Katherine Harris's refusal to count the
ballots. Months ago, Jeb and Katherine sought to eliminate as many black
voters as possible from the voting rolls. This is a mind-blowing story and I
encourage you to read it by clicking here:


The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the counting of the ballots this weekend and
violated the law in doing so. They are allowed to grant a stay only if
"irrevocable, irreparable harm" would happen if the votes were counted.
Since when does the counting of our citizens' votes cause "irreparable
harm"? Justice Antonin Scalia said (I'll paraphrase here), well, we believe
Bush won and if we allow those votes from Florida to be counted and Gore
ends up ahead, well that would cause irreparable harm to a Bush

Yes, that is what he said!

Look, let's be honest about something. Part of the reason we are in the
we are in today is because AL GORE voted YES to put Justice Scalia on the
Supreme Court.

Let me say this one more time so it sinks in to every Gore-loving head out


The chickens sure have come home to roost for that blunder (and for the 11
Democrats who voted YES to give Clarence Thomas his narrow victory). Don't
write me and tell me about the kind of Court we "might" get under Bush
thanks to Nader. We already have it, thanks to Al and his Democrats. It's a
tough pill to swallow.

Listen, this fight today, Monday, December 11, 2000, is not about Al Gore.
It is about the only thing that ultimately matters in a democracy -- the
right to vote. The right to have a say in who will represent us. Gore got
300,000 more votes than Bush. Gore won. Gore will have more votes in
if those ballots are allowed to be counted. Gore won.

I have no personal interest in seeing Al Gore in the White House. I did not
vote for him.

But I don't like liars, I don't like thieves, and I really hate cowards.

Mr. Bush (that's what the majority of Americans will always call you,
because we will not participate in your lie by ever calling you "Mr.
President") -- we know what you are so afraid of. You are a coward for not
wanting those ballots counted because you know the outcome. You know you've
lost. You know the people have spoken. Be a man, for crying out loud! Go
back to your ranch and let us get on with bugging the shit outta Al Gore
the next four years!

Friends, if you do anything today, it must be to take a stand against this
coup. If you live within a few hours of Washington, DC, I am asking that
pack the grounds of the Supreme Court the way any nation of citizens would
do if their election was being stolen from them.

The rest of you -- call Western Union right now! That's right, leave this
21st century technology of the Internet behind and return to the 19th
century way of the telegram. They will not be expecting an avalanche of
telegrams on their desks! Western Union still hand-delivers telegrams.
flood the offices of Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and William Kennedy (the
only two conservatives on the Court who are not certifiable loons) within
the next few hours and let them know the true will of the people. I am
especially calling upon anyone who voted for Bush or Nader or Buchanan to
rise above political ideology and take a stand for what you know is right.

Here's how you send a hand-delivered telegram:

1. Call Western Union at 800-325-6000. Then wait for the live operator.2.
Tell the operator that you want to send a hand-delivered telegram that
to get there within the next few hours.
3. It costs $17.95 for 15 words or less, and another $13.95 for the hand
delivery. That's a total of $31.90. Most credit cards accepted.
4. The address is: Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (or William Kennedy), U.S.
Supreme Court, One First Street N.E., Washington, DC 20543.

I know thirty bucks is a lot of dough for many of you. Is our country worth
$31.90?  I think it is. If you truly can't afford it, then call the Supreme
Court today and make your feelings known (202-479-3211).

But I'm telling ya, forcing the Justices to swim in a sea of yellow
telegrams -- that will have an enormous impact. It will make national news
and inspire millions more to do the same. No one sees the phone calls
coming in or the e-mails being sent. But those Western Union guys having to
truckloads of telegrams up the steps of the Supreme Court... whoa!  Call 10
people right now and ask them to join us.

There will be plenty of time later to discuss the other issues pertinent to
this election -- why 100 million citizens again did not vote, the way the
rich bought and paid for both candidates, why I am personally responsible
for this whole mess, etc.

But right now -- TODAY -- we have to act like we have never acted before.
Trust me, if they can get away with this, they can get away with ANYTHING.
Maybe many of you are already convinced that they can. I am still clinging
to some sort of strange hope that right and justice will prevail, that a
million of us can shock this corrupt court into coming to its senses, if
its own sense of self-preservation.

The clock is ticking.


Michael Moore
mmflint en aol.com

P.S. Send this letter to anyone you wish, asap.