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[escepticos] RV: And it ain't even a real quatrain...
----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Siano <bsiano en bellatlantic.net>
To: <wizards-star-list en ssr.com>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 9:59 PM
Subject: And it ain't even a real quatrain...
> Before I begin-- what's the procedure to subcribe to the skeptic mailing
> list?
> >From http://www.salon.com/tech/inbox/index.html
> Did Nostradamus predict a Bush victory?
> The Net has been a good friend to half-truths this campaign season:
> President Clinton was planning to run for the Senate, Dick Cheney was
> going to resign from the Republican ticket in October, George W. Bush
> was arrested for drunken driving. (OK, some rumors turn out to be true.)
> So perhaps it is only fitting that, now that it's all over, Nostradamus
> is finally making his entrance into the Election 2000 rumor mill. An
> e-mail currently making its way around the Web claims that the 16th
> century French "seer" penned this little stanza in 1555.
> Come the millennium, month twelve,
> In the home of greatest power,
> The village idiot will come forth
> To be acclaimed the leader.
> Partisan smack? Yes. But Nostradamus? A quick scan of Nostradamus'
> prophecies online shows that this little ditty is bogus -- though a
> loose interpretation of the N-man's notoriously cryptic prose has some
> believers claiming Nostradamus did indeed predict the rise of
> President-elect W. and some of the electoral madness that ensued in
> Florida.
> The following year revealed by a flood,
> Two leaders elected, the first will not hold on
> For one of them refuge in fleeing shadows,
> The victim plundered who maintained the first.
> Of course, some Democrats prefer this selection to show that perhaps the
> Frenchman did indeed foresee the Bush victory:
> To an old leader will be born an idiot heir,
> weak both in knowledge and in war.
> -- Anthony York [10:15 a.m. PST, Dec. 18, 2000]