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[escepticos] RV: When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience
----- Mensaje original -----
De: "paul williams" <paulhw en cooloola.net>
Para: <avoid-l en hawaii.edu>
Enviado: martes 30 de abril de 2002 10:48
Asunto: When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience
> An interesting short essay in the New York Times by Lawrence Krauss on
> science and pseudoscience.
> Paul W.
> April 30, 2002
> 'Odds Are Stacked When Science Tries to Debate Pseudoscience'
> "Opponents of the scientific method try very hard to appear in debates
> scientists. Merely being on the same stage represents a victory."
> Extract:
> "...In the meantime, for those scientists who find themselves thrust in
> public debates, I have found at least one useful tool. When debating
> experts, ask them whether they believe in "Young Earth Creationism." When
> debating young earth creationists, ask them whether they believe in alien
> U.F.O.'s. When they say no, ask why. Their answers will inevitably shed
> light on the weakness of their own positions.
> Of course, as has once happened to me, you might find yourself debating a
> U.F.O.-believing creationist. But you can't win them all. My hope is that
> you can win at least some of the time."
> -- L. Krauss
> http://www.nytimes.com/2002/04/30/science/30ESSA.html?tntemail1