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[escepticos] Hollywood: Ríanse de la SGAE y el top manta
¿Preocupados por los cánones sobre CDs? ¿Indignados por el cobro de
royalties en conciertos benéficos? Pues si les parecía que la
Sociedad General de Autores y Editores eran lo más parecido a la
camorra, esperen a ver lo que nos tienen preparados los chicos de
En un artículo realizado por Fundación Fronteras Electrónicas (EFF)
se destapa la intención de la RIAA de controlar los conversores
analógico-digitales, debido a la imposibilidad real de tener fichados
a los dispositivos de copia.
Hollywood Tips its Hand
The "Content Protection Status Report" [1] points to future where
innovation and fair use rights are sacrificed on copyright's altar,
where entertainment companies become de facto regulators of new
technologies, deciding which mathematical instructions are mandatory
and which are forbidden.
Plugging the Analog Hole
But the most disturbing pieces of the Status Report comes later in
the document. The second section, "Plugging the Analog Hole," reveals
Hollywood's plan to turn a generic technology component, the humble
analog-to-digital convertor, into a device that is subject to the
kind of regulation heretofore reserved for Schedule A narcotics.
Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are the building blocks of
modern digital technology. An ADC's job is to take samples of the
strength (amplitude) of some analog signal (light, sound, motion,
temperature) at some interval (frequency) and convert the results to
a numerical value. ADCs are embedded in digital scanners, samplers,
thermometers, seismographs, mice and other pointer devices,
camcorders, cameras, microscopes, telescopes, modems, radios,
televisions, cellular phones, walkie-talkies, light-meters and a
multitude of other devices.
[1] http://judiciary.senate.gov/special/content_protection.pdf
Viva el libre mercado ¿eh? ;)
Víctor R. Ruiz | - Todos estos momentos se perderán, como
http://rvr.infoastro.com | lágrimas en la lluvia.