From: "H" <t330y4k en>
To: <breixo en>
Subject: From Brunei
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 11:38:31
I am a 23 years old and a British
citizen who was taken to Brunei
by my
father at the young
age of 12. He deceived me that I
was going there on vacation and
married me off to a
wealthy Prince in Brunei who is
30 years older than me.
I was thus forced into marriage
and when I objected I was
beaten and
raped by this Prince.
I was locked up in a house for
two years after which I submitted
decided to accept my
faith, knowing that was the only
way out.
After I got my freedom back I
have been allowed by my
husband to have
access to his
businesses. Over the years I am
been able to acquire some
$16,000,000.00 (
Sixteen million dollars), which I
diverted into a private finance
house in
Darussalam without
his knowledge.
Right now I have mapped out a
plan of escape out of Brunei, first
of all I
want to move the
fund out of the Brunei. This is
where I need your assistance, I
will move
the fund out of
Brunei on your name through a
Cargo courier company to
Europe to avoid been detected
by my
husband. After which you
will help me secure the fund
before I get out of Brunei.
If you know you are capable of
handling such a huge amount of
respond to me and
I will compensate you by giving
you 10% of the total fund.
Note also that you must keep
this transaction secret as my life
is at stake
if my husband or
any of his relatives hear of this
transaction they will stone me to
death or
hang me.
Respond to me immediately so
we can proceed. ( h65661 en
hjty221 en )