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Re: [escepticos] Que de la verdadera inexistencia de Dios se sigue su existencia

	Yo tengo otro mejor (en inglés):

God is male.
All males have a penis.
 .  ------------------------
. . Therefore God has a penis.

God is perfect.
[A perfect being has no useless attributes.]
God has a penis.
 .  ------------------------
. . Therefore God must use His penis.

God is a unique being.
[A unique being has no others like himself.]
God uses His penis.
[But not for waste or reproduction.]
 .  -------------------------
. . Therefore God must masturbate.

God must masturbate if He is perfect and male.
God is always perfect & male.
 .  -----------------------------------------------
. . God is always masturbating.

	¿Alguien quiere alcanzar la perfección? Pues ya sabe :-p



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