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[escepticos] Edward Teller (1908-2003)
Descanse(mos) en paz. Extracto del boletín Cambridge Conference Network.
Benny Peiser <b.j.peiser en livjm.ac.uk>
Edward Teller, one the 20th century's most important and most controversial
scientist died yesterday, aged 95. He was the unsung hero of the free world
who was instrumental in the West's defeat of both Nazi Germany and Sowjet
Most people outside our small community do not know, however, that he was
also the spiritus rector of our planetary defence initiatives aimed at
preventing asteroid impacts to occur in the future. He was the main driving
force behind these activities in the US and a strong supporter of the
Spaceguard project. He was particularly successful in convincing the British
Government to set up a Task Force on Near Earth Objects.
With Teller, the NEO community has lost our most influencial voice and
scientific advisor to the White House.
In memory of his invaluable and unique contribution to the ideals of
universal freedom, international security and scientific progress,
I have attached a couple of papers and interviews. I would wellcome
any additional notes of remembrance by colleagues who have met and
worked with him over the years.
Víctor R. Ruiz <rvr en infoastro.com> | - Todos estos momentos se perderán
Centro de Astrobiología CSIC-INTA | como lágrimas en la lluvia