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Re: [escepticos] Franklin Felber


El Martes 14 Febrero 2006 11:07, Ramón Ordiales tecleó:
> Digamos que hay un GRAN desajuste en la cosmologia actual... parece existir
> un "exceso de gravedad" y "exceso de corrimiento hacia el rojo" que hace
> necesaria la aparición de "Materia Oscura", "Energía Oscura" etc... todo
> hipótesis ad-hoc incosistentes que intentan explicar cosas como que la
> expansión del bigbang se acelera etc...

  Vaya. Pues hay otro anuncio similar: 

A Chinese astronomer from the University of St Andrews has fine-tuned 
Einstein's groundbreaking theory of gravity, creating a 'simple' theory which 
could solve a dark mystery that has baffled astrophysicists for 
three-quarters of a century.

A new law for gravity, developed by Dr Hong Sheng Zhao and his Belgian 
collaborator Dr Benoit Famaey of the Free University of Brussels (ULB), aims 
to prove whether Einstein's theory was in fact correct and whether the 
astronomical mystery of Dark Matter actually exists. Their research was 
published on February 10th in the US-based Astrophysical Journal Letters. 
Their formula suggests that gravity drops less sharply with distance as in 
Einstein, and changes subtly from solar systems to galaxies and to the 


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