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Re: [escepticos] Los círculos del maíz (era La autopsia del extraterrestre)

On 5/9/06, David Guerra <ciberguerra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

 Pues que no os extrañe que Íker salga cualquier día de estos hablando sobre
"los misteriosos, inquietantes círculos de los maizales", o algo así...

Buf, seguro que se empezará a nutrir de esto tan pronto lo encuentre:


El FAQ no tiene desperdicio. Y además, conspiranoicos:


"Do you know something we don't know, has the government tried to
cover up the real source of the phenomenon?"

In 1990, the Government held a meeting with cabinet ministers, and no
doubt the Military, to discuss the phenomenon, and what implications
it held regarding the public, and defence matters. Their answer was
that their was no answer!
