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[escepticos] El codido da Vinci

¿A alguien se le ha ocurrido comparar por estos pagos a Dan Brown y JJ Benitez? Pues lo que son las cosas, esto es de una lista internacional de cuidados intensivos:

Am I dreaming or are you all REALLY taking it seriously??!??
The author states that this is fiction.
There are dozens of stories on similar themes.
This one sold out because it is well written and well composed, and the way the author distorted reality to fit the plot was very intelligent.
I just take it like JJ Benítez, Marion Zimmer Bradley and Anne Rice: PURE COMMERCIAL FICTION, well written fiction, and BTW, we are taking too much time discussing no-point religious issues over it. If we are to take it seriously, then we must also develop the careful behaviour of taking some sacred water, garlic and a cross with us when we walk on the streets at night...

Por cierto, tambien dicen que la  mujer de Dan Brown es una Wiccan. Esto es la primera vez que lo oigo, al parecer se trata de una neorreligión politeísta...


Ramón Díaz-Alersi