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(fwd) Re: Mj-12 Org Chart ?
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Wed, 30 Oct 1996 03:16:41 +0100 (MET)
>From raticulin
From: lechero en geocities.com (LeCHeRo, Spanish MiLKMaN)
>To: apeiron en arrakis.es
>Subject: (fwd) Re: Mj-12 Org Chart ?
>Date: Wed, 30 Oct 1996 02:16:46 GMT
>Organization: COLECOR Productos Lácteos
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>El día Tue, 22 Oct 1996 00:58:21 -0400, en el grupo
>alt.paranet.skeptic Zeek <Zeek en take-a.peek> dijo:
>Robert Collins wrote:
>> Mj-12/OROCA Panel Organizational Chart reported
>> for the years 1984-85
>> Note:The reader is directed to
>> glossary of names below for help
>> in reading this.
>> 1) FEMA: http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/news2/fema.html
>> 2) AFOSI/PJ: http://www.qtm.net/~geibdan/news2/disinfo.html
>> ya fergot numba threeee
> 3) the bullshitters lodge
>Do you people really expect anyone to believe this crap as posted
>previously. Grow up Kid!!! Don't waste your time on this stupid
>thing. Go out and get some Pussy! ie: Get laid!!!!!!!!!and maybe you
>won't be bored enough to make up ficticious stoeies!!
>Have a nice day from a friend.
>Ps: Ignore the e-mail adress, it's fake.
> LeCHeRo 908-252192 (outsiders, 34-08-252192)
> lechero en geocities.com
> Nominado al Oscar al actor que NUNCA ha salido en una película...
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