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RV: Philosophy of Science project
Gonzalo J Perez
gonj en ctv.es
Me he encontrado este mensaje en un news Group; lo mando aqui por si
alguien puede echar una mano.
> De: Cameron Shelley <cpshelle en watarts.uwaterloo.ca>
> Grupos de noticias: sci.geo.fluids
> Asunto: Philosophy of Science project
> Fecha: martes 5 de noviembre de 1996 0:18
> For a project in the philosophy of science, we are looking for World
> Wide Web sites that are making important contributions to the conduct
> of scientific research. We are interested in sites that aid ongoing
> scientific collaboration, rather than educational sites that simply
> present the results of research. We would be grateful for pointers
> to particularly valuable research sites in your field. If you have
> time, we would also greatly appreciate a brief description of how the
> sites are furthering scientific research.
> Thank you,
> Cameron Shelley
> Paul Thagard
> Computational Epistemology Laboratory
> Philosophy Department
> University of Waterloo
> http://cogsci.uwaterloo.ca/