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Los escepticos creen en Dios?

> Because of the kinship I feel toward scientists like Carl Sagan, I am saddened greatly
> by their actions. Scientists have the greatest opportunities of all to see the evidence
> of God's marvelous provision for man in His creation.Those who can't see God's hand in
> the universe around them should be encouraged to ask God to reveal Himself to them. God
> is not hiding. He is waiting for us to see Him. Please pray for Carl Sagan and others
> like him who, in their conceit declare, "There is no God!" (Psalm 14:1).

Estas son las conclusiones del articulo al que un colistero hizo
referencia en un mensaje anterior. El arituclo lo podran encontrar en :


Con respecto a esto me gustaria conocer el criterio generalizado de los
escepticos con respecto a Dios. Segun Jim Lippard existen escepticos de
los dos tipos, los cristianos y los ateos, como se demuestra en el
siguiente extracto de http://www.rtd.com/~lippard/ :

>  0.6.3: Why don't skeptics debunk religions? 
> Skeptics aim to debunk false claims and silly theories by using the evidence. The question of whether God exists
> is not one for which evidence is available, and so skeptics tend to treat it as a private matter. When someone
> claims to have evidence (such as a miraculous healing) then skeptics are as ready to test this claim as they are
> any other. 
> Most skeptics agree that it is perfectly possible to be a skeptic about paranormal claims but still honestly believe
> in God. Martin Gardner is a "dry" skeptic and one of the founders of CSICOP. He also believes in a personal god
> and describes himself as a "philosophical theist". 
> Most skeptics tend to take an "agnostic-atheist" attitude, assuming that God does not exist until evidence to the
> contrary turns up. 

Yo considero que siendo un esceptico estricto es dificil creer en la
existencia de un Dios, porque no hay como demostrarlo con el metodo
cientifico, ( si alguien conoce la manera me gustaria saberla).

Por lo tanto para nosotros los escepticos cristianos es bastante
complicado por ejemplo decirles a los ufologos que no creemos en los
ET's porque no los hemos visto. Y que pasa con Dios?

Mi interes no es cuestionar la existencia de Dios, porque creo que ese
debate no cabe en este grupo. Por lo tanto favor remitirse solo a la
siguiente pregunta :

Es posible ser un esceptico y seguir creyendo en Dios?


Henry Ruilova
henry en satinter.com