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Re: Heahens don't come from around here (fwd)
Jose Tent-manclus wrote:
> >> The plates had a high cobalt and metal content. ( Were they made?)
> >>Physicists found out that all seven hundred and sixteen plates had a high
> >>vibration rhythm, which brought the conclusion they had been exposed to
> >>some sort of high voltage at some point.
Una vez leí una traducción literal de este párrafo en cierta revista. ¿Alguno de los
"creyentes" presentes en la lista tendría la amabilidad de explicarme qué es un "alto ritmo
vibratorio" y cómo se deduce por ello que las placas fueron sometidas a "algún tipo de alto
> >> This story and articles were published in Moscow and China, and is
> >>known in the West, but disregarded as not fitting known theories of
> >>anthropology. Any authority in the West that attaches any importance to
> >>their reputation in the scientific world cannot take any serious notice
> >>of Baian Kara Ula. It is smarter to keep silent, or laugh at it
> >>discreetly and condescendingly.
Mi impresión es más bien la contraria: si alguien, occidental o no, consiguiera demostrar
que semejante historia es cierta, iniciaría una auténtica revolución en varios campos
científicos. Vamos, creo yo.