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"Respuestas" a Hale

Mirad, estas son alguna de las respuestas que le mandaron al que desmintio
lo del ovni del Hale-Bopp (http://www.halebopp.com/slocon.htm). Me
recuerdan mucho, pero mucho mucho, a los "argumentos" de algunos que han
escrito en la lista y sobre todo de los iluminados varios que aparecen a
diario en es.ciencia: 

                              The Con Letters

         As a scientific and a researcher I am ashame on the way you 
        have teated  this man in Houton. From the Inquisition to now 
        I do not see any progres on your little mind. Just is missing 
        the burning like they did to Jeanne la Pucelle et autres....What 
        kind of people are you? are we in the 20th or are we back on 
        the dark age? . At least I can said this is you typical lack of 
        civilities, good manner, wrong education and little mind. 
        Research in fringe subjet like this one need very open mind 
        and a lot of mental flexibility to interprete and interpolate 
        events, in this science nothing is written in ink because no 
        one is able to prove the contrary beyond any scientific doubt. 
        Outspace even the theory of the relativity does not explain 
        many events. 
        Institutionalizing Science is not Science is doctrine. 

        Regards Henri Morin  

         Dear Mr. Sipe,
        I don't normally write to people, but with the advent of e-mail 
        it is too convenient to pass up.   I work nights driving for a 
        large delivery service, and listen to Art Bell's show for what it 
        is,  entertainment  in the form of something to listen to while 
        I drive all night long.  I consider myself a sceptic in most of 
        what I hear on the radio at night.  What I heard last week was 
        totally different though.  I heard Chuck Shramek's interview 
        with Art Bell.  He did not come off as some fringe element 
        wacko as you describe in your web site, but as an Amateur 
        Astronomer that had taken a photograph of the Hale-Bopp 
        comet with some anomalous object in the frame that he could 
        not explain, and that is all he came off as.  You and Mr. Hale 
        on the other hand, have come off of this as egomaniacs  who 
        dismiss Mr. Shramek with a wave of your hand (and web site) 
        as some grand experts of the cosmos. This is  the ultimate in  
        hipocricy.  You  dismiss Chuck Shramek  as some crackpot  
        with out checking into what all the excitement was about.  
        You have received untold negative attention in this matter 
        and you have come off very badly and I feel you deserve what 
        you have gotten.  You have executed Chuck Shramek without 
        a trial.  I feel he deserves a public apology from you and just 
        maybe you can repair both your names and the damage you 
        have done to the Amateur Astronomy field. 

         Rick May 

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