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RE: [escepticos] La madre que parió a la Luna
El presi de mi agrupación astronómica, Luis Salas, y yo nos estábamos
preguntando si existe alguna investigación sobre la creencia que en Luna
llena las mamás suelen parir más que en otras fases lunares. Al parecer, él
ha escuchado de boca de enfermeras esa afirmación. Si no existe tal estudio
¿algún médico con conocimiento de causa sobre la disponibilidad de realizar
consultas a las bases de datos de los hospitales maternos? No haría falta
saber nombre ni apellidos, sólo fechas de nacimiento para realizar la
correlación pertinente.
Pos eso.
He encontrado esto en Medline. Dos a favor y dos en contra. Juzga tú mismo.
[Lunar phases and incidence of spontaneous deliveries. Our experience]
Periti E, Biagiotti R
Minerva Ginecol 1994 Jul-Aug 46:7-8 429-33
OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the relationship between lunar phases and birthrate.
STUDY DESIGN. We examined 7842 spontaneous deliveries at Obstetric and
Gynaecologic Clinic of University of Florence, between January 1988 and
November 1992, covering 58 synodic lunar months. A lunar month was
considered to be a period of 29.5 days and comprised four lunar phases: the
full moon, the last quarter, the new moon and the first quarter. We compared
the median number of births in each day of synodic month and in the periods
of seven days centered on the first day of each moon phase. Statistical
analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis by ranks.
RESULTS. Non significant differences were found in the incidence of
spontaneous birth throughout the lunar cycle. CONCLUSIONS. These results do
not support the hypothesis of a relationship between moon-phase changes and
the incidence of spontaneous deliveries.
Adult ; Birth Rate ; Comparative Study ; Delivery ; English Abstract ;
Female ; Human ; Infant, Newborn ; Italy ; Male ; Moon ; Pregnancy ;
Author Address
Clinica Ginecologica ed Ostetrica, Universita degli Studi di Firenze.
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Minerva Ginecol
Volume 49
Issue 3
VIEWING OPTIONS: [MEDLINE] [full MEDLINE] [related records]
[Incidence of lunar position in the distribution of deliveries. A
statistical analysis]
Ghiandoni G, Secli R, Rocchi MB, Ugolini G
Minerva Ginecol 1997 Mar 49:3 91-4
OBJECTIVE: To point out the influence of the lunar position on the
distribution of deliveries. METHODS: We examined all the full-term
spontaneous deliveries that occurred at the Civil Hospital in Fano (March)
throughout 24 synodic months in a 2-year period (1993-1994). In order to
perform the statistical analysis, each delivery was considered as a single
measure. We used techniques of circular statistics to execute data analysis.
RESULTS: A significant relationship between lunar position and distribution
of deliveries was pointed out in multigravidae (in detail, the deliveries
resulted clustered around the full moon phase). On the contrary, no
significant relation was observed in primigravidae. CONCLUSIONS: The
observed results evidence a significant influence of the position of the
moon on the distribution of deliveries, especially in multigravidae.
Comparative Study ; Delivery ; English Abstract ; Female ; Human ; Italy ;
Moon ; Parity ; Pregnancy ; Statistics ;
Author Address
Istituto di Biomatematica, Universita degli Studi, Urbino.
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J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris)
Volume 15
Issue 3
VIEWING OPTIONS: [MEDLINE] [full MEDLINE] [related records]
[Births, fertility, rhythms and lunar cycle. A statistical study of
5,927,978 births]
Guillon P, Guillon D, Lansac J, Soutoul JH, Bertrand P, Hornecker JP
J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 1986 15:3 265-71
Is there any relationship between the times when babies are born and the
synodic lunar cycle? There are published works that show that there is such
a relationship. We have looked at 5,927,978 French births occurring between
the months of January 1968 and the 31st December 1974. Using Fourier's
spectral analysis we have been able to show that there are two different
rhythms in birth frequencies: --a weekly rhythm characterised by the lowest
number of births on a Sunday and the largest number on a Tuesday: --an
annual rhythm with the maximum number of births in May and the minimum in
September-October. A statistical analysis of the distribution of births in
the lunar month shows that more are born between the last quarter and the
new moon, and fewer are born in the first quarter of the moon. The
differences between the distribution observed during the lunar month and the
theoretical distribution are statistically significant.
Astronomy ; Birth Certificates ; Comparative Study ; Delivery ; English
Abstract ; Fertility ; Fourier Analysis ; France ; Human ; Infant, Newborn ;
Labor, Induced ; New York City ; Seasons ; Vital Statistics ;
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Orig Life Evol Biosph
Volume 27
Issue 1-3
VIEWING OPTIONS: [MEDLINE] [full MEDLINE] [related records]
[The influence of lunar phases on the frequency of deliveries]
Strolego F, Gigli C, Bugalho A
Minerva Ginecol 1991 Jul-Aug 43:7-8 359-63
Common tradition encourages the belief that deliveries take place more
frequently during some phases than others. It is known that multiple factors
(also medical) may influence birth timing postponing or anticipating it. To
verify the veracity of this belief, we studied the frequency of home
deliveries of Maputo (Mozambique), without any medical assistance according
to lunar cycle. A study of 5226 births in 37 lunar cycles didn't show a
significative increase of deliveries during specific lunar phases and week
days. The same result has been achieved expanding the examination period to
2 days before and after lunar phase. Therefore, on the basis of this study,
the hypothesis that lunar phase may influence the process of birth is
Delivery ; English Abstract ; Female ; Folklore ; Human ; Moon ; Mozambique
; Pregnancy ;
Author Address
Divisione di Ostetricia e Ginecologia, Ospedale Infantile IRCCS, Trieste.