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RE: [escepticos] **La luna y los ajos

Ahora en serio, en un mensaje muy anterior de Manuel Nevado:

> [Births, fertility, rhythms and lunar cycle. A statistical study of
> 5,927,978 births]
> Guillon P, Guillon D, Lansac J, Soutoul JH, Bertrand P, Hornecker JP
> J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod (Paris) 1986 15:3 265-71
> Abstract
> Is there any relationship between the times when babies are born and the
> synodic lunar cycle? There are published works that show that there is
> a relationship. We have looked at 5,927,978 French births occurring
> the months of January 1968 and the 31st December 1974. Using Fourier's
> spectral analysis we have been able to show that there are two different
> rhythms in birth frequencies: --a weekly rhythm characterised by the
> number of births on a Sunday and the largest number on a Tuesday: --an
> annual rhythm with the maximum number of births in May and the minimum in
> September-October. A statistical analysis of the distribution of births in
> the lunar month shows that more are born between the last quarter and the
> new moon, and fewer are born in the first quarter of the moon. The
> differences between the distribution observed during the lunar month and
> theoretical distribution are statistically significant.

Yo mismo hice un estudio, pero *sólo* eran 36.000, estos son casi seis
aunque dentro del mismo mensaje había dos en contra y otros dos a favor de
la hipótesis

Joer, ¿y cómo no encontré el tuyo? Yo que me creía un gran documentalista
... :-DDDDD

¿Dónde lo publicaste, que ya me has picado?
