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[escepticos] RV: The answer to cancer has been known

Una mas para la coleccion de estupideces del anno... Ahora, la vitamina B17
y la lectura de la biblia, por lo que se ve... la panacea para el cancer.

-----Original Message-----
De: 92801540 en mci2000.com <92801540 en mci2000.com>
Para: planetario en cin.es <planetario en cin.es>
Fecha: martes 30 de junio de 1998 20:05
Asunto: The answer to cancer has been known

>Dear planetario en cin.es,
>The answer  to cancer has been know for years and those that eat apricot
seeds will never develop cancer.  You can see for yourself by ordering your
copy of the book or video  by Edward Griffin "World Without Cancer" now.
After reading the book or watching the video you have any doubts, we will
return your money  .  We have been in business for six years and are listed
with the Better Business in N.Y.C., in case you have any reservations about
order through the internet.  We also have the actual Laetrile and the
apricot seeds.  For prices and ordering information go to the following web
><A HREF="http://www.canceranswer.com";>www.canceranswer.com</A>
>If you would like to read a chapter or two of the book you may go to the
following web site.
>These web sites offer a ton of free information, the addresses and phone
#'s of over 200 people  who have had every different type of cancer.
(breast, skin, brain, colon, cervical, ovarian, leukemia, hotchkins,
prostate, pancreas, liver and more.) No matter how hard you think this is to
believe, it's true and this information is only available on the internet.
>As Hosea says "my people perish for lack of knowlege" so get researching
and never worry about cancer again.   Please don't say ' if this were true
than why isn't it on T.V. " or "why don't the doctors know about it."  It
was known but through powerful influences the truth has been kept from the
general public.  Remember, as Proverbs says, with knowledge there is long
life.  Knowledge about your desease is not just going to some prestigeous
doctor and letting him administer chemo.  That's foolishness.  Seek and ye
shall find.
>As Genesis 1:29 says...seeds are supposed to be for food.  The simple
things from nature will bring down the wise and confound them.
>This week, 6/24/98, we witnessed colon cancer shrink in two weeks, complete
skin cancer shrinkage, brain tumor shrinkage liver cancer shrinkage and a
few more.  The stories of the people that have just achieved this success
are at the above web site, along with ways you can contact them this week
for proof.
>Thank you ,
>Christian Brothers