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[escepticos] superluminal travel requires negative energy
Con la teleportación replicada de Planetario y lo que envío aquí, los
magufos tienen material para justificar que el vecino del cuarto pueda ser
un extraterrestre teletransportado en viaje superlumínico venido del planeta
Ummo. La jarta´ de tonterías que llevan diciendo durante tanto años pasarán
a ser una jarta´ de tonterías con base teórica y experimental...según ellos
extraído de The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
ENERGIES. Einstein's special theory of relativity asserts that no
physical object can travel faster than the speed of light. The theory
also holds that mass and energy will have different values depending
on your frame of reference. The idea that the mass (energy) density
in any one frame would always be at least equal to or greater than
zero is called the "weak energy condition." Ken Olum of Tufts
(kdo en cosmos5.phy.tufts.edu, 617-628-5000, x2753) follows the
reverse tack in arguing that superluminal travel is possible in certain
warped versions of space/time but that this would entail the
existence of negative energy. In this case the concepts of
superluminal motion and of negative energy need to be explored.
An object with negative mass would be less massive than empty
space. We don't know of any such object, but physicists have
detected small regions of space characterized by a very slightly
negative energy density (the so called Casimir effect; see Updates
122 and 300). If you combine negative energy with positive energy
you get nothing, very different from the explosion you get when
you combine matter and antimatter. As for superluminal travel---in
Olum's model objects and signals do not actually travel faster than
light. Rather, the curvature of a spacetime incorporating a
negative-energy density is such that one can arrive quickly at distant
places using sub-light speeds. (Physical Review Letters, 26 October
Pedro J. Hernández
phgt en correo.rcanaria.es
**La web de Pedro J**
alternativamente: www.lanzadera.com/pedrojota