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[escepticos] Eclipse y nacimientos. (fwd)


  Un colega me ha pasado esta noticia, pero no pudo especificarme cual es
su origen exacto (de qué web).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 08:01:31 -0400
From: Arnaldo Arnal <aarnal en true.net>
To: "Victor R. Ruiz" <rvr en idecnet.com>
Subject: Eclipse y nacimientos.

Hola Victor,
No se si conocías la noticia, pero hay que ver que son "majaretas" estos
ingleses, como diría Asterix. 


Women in Cornwall, England, are being warned not to get pregnant this month
in case they end up giving birth in the middle of next year's solar
eclipse. Doctors fear there will be so many people in the south-western
English county next August to watch the rare total eclipse that women in
labour will not be able to get to hospital through the traffic-clogged
roads. As many as two million people are expected to descend on the region
for the best and longest view of the eclipse -- the first to be seen in
Britain since 1927. The warning to avoid August births was issued by the
Local Medical Committee of Cornwall, which represents general practitioners
in the area, in a newsletter for doctors under its "Eclipse health tip of
the month." "We don't want to pour cold water on things, but people should
realize that they could be very vulnerable," said the committee's
spokeswoman, Rosalind Winter. 

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  Pos eso.

Víctor R. Ruiz                rvr en idecnet.com
    Agrupación Astronómica de Gran Canaria
   Sociedad de Meteoros y Cometas de España
 Asociación de Variabilistas de España - AVE
AA Gran Canaria      http://aagc.dis.ulpgc.es
info.astro  http://www.astrored.org/infoastro