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[escepticos] Conclusiones de los laboratorios de Arizona sobre el trabajo(?) de Kouznetsov
Hola a todos,
Siguiendo la manía que me ha dado por la Sáabana os transcribo las
conclusiones a la que llegaron los laboratorios de Arizona sobre el
trabajo de Kouznetsov sobre la carpa, perdón sábana santa ;-)
"In conclusion, we believe the C14 methods described by the authors
(Kouznetsov) have not had the appropiate control experiments performed.
Addtionally, the AMS C14 measurements were done on apparently untested
puece of equipment with no reference to normal procedures of
reproducibility, standards, control and blank samples.
With a similar experiment, we find no evidence for the gross changes
proposed by Kouznetsov et al. (1995). these authors use a number of
procedures on the samples, without any discussion of control samples,
blanks or standards tun through the same battery of treatments.
Finally, we have shown that even if the carbon displacements proposed by
the authors during the heat treatment were correct, no significant
change in the measured radiocarbon aghe of the linen would occur. We
must conclude that the attack by Kouznetsov and his comworkers on
measurements of the radiocarbon age of the Shroud of turinand on
radiocarbon measurements oin the linen tecxtiles in general are
unsabstantiated and incorrect. We further conclude that the other
aspects of the experiment are unverifiable and irreproductible".
Firmado por A.J.T. Jull, D.J. Donahue y P.E. Damon
Journal of Archaelogical Science, Vol 23 pp 159,160.
Es curioso que apareciera en el mismo número que el trabajo de
Kouznetsov, los del Journal parece que se olieron algo después de todo.
Un saludete.
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