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[escepticos] RV: Tonight....
Para quienes puedan pillar el Discovery Channel en versión fetén (o sea, la
americana), puede ser interesante. ¿Habrá algún alma caritativa que lo grabe
y me mande una copia? Por favor!
javier armentia
planetario de pamplona
Sancho Ramirez, s/n
E-31008 Pamplona (Spain)
Web: http://pagina.de/pamplonetario
Email: planetario en cin.es
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-----Original Message-----
De: James Randi -
Fecha: miércoles 28 de abril de 1999 19:25
Asunto: Tonight....
>Tonight, the 28th, at 9 p.m. (time may vary in your area, check it)
>the Discovery Channel will run "A Skeptic Guide," a program that
>should be interesting to us. (They usually repeat such programs later
>at midnight, so you've twice the chance of catching it.) The producer
>probably did well by the JREF, but we'll see. One thing you should
>know about the content of the show: you won't find Uri Geller
>mentioned anywhere. Mr. Geller is so touchy about the word "skeptic,"
>that he trembles every time he hears it. As a result, the producer
>called to inform me that the Discovery Channel (legal office, the
>president, all sorts of others there) had received numerous threats of
>lawsuits from Geller's lawyers -- and they hadn't even seen the
>program! As a result, the Discovery Channel simply chopped Geller out
>of the program altogether. For someone who is trying so hard to make
>a come-back, you'd think that this former psychic superstar would
>welcome any sort of TV exposure (oops! Wrong word!) just to keep his
>name up there. He must have something to be sensitive about, you
>might conclude..... So, the former star will not be discussed on "A
>Skeptic Guide." We can only hope that his lawyers will continue to
>threaten other TV producers, and that we may be relieved of the same
>old tired spoonbending routine. Or, he may get a new repertoire
>together. Fat chance.
>See you on TV!
> Randi
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