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Re: [escepticos] RV: Tonight....

Sólo una aclaración sobre un error que no me importa que cometan los
magufos....pero no alguien "de los nuestros". "Fetén", palabra que no sé si ya
está admitida por la Real de los reales, significa exactamente lo contrario de
lo que muchos creen. Por ejemplo: la "versión fetén" del Discovery Channel seria
"la mala".
En criminologia se usa bastante este adjetivo. Incluso en literatura penal: "el
acusado hizo ostentación de una pistola fetén" (por "una pistola de fogueo", en
contraposición con pistola "auténtica").
Josep Català

Planetario ha escrit:

> Para quienes puedan pillar el Discovery Channel en versión fetén (o sea, la
> americana), puede ser interesante. ¿Habrá algún alma caritativa que lo grabe
> y me mande una copia? Por favor!
> Saludos,
> javier armentia
> -----------------------------------
> planetario de pamplona
> Sancho Ramirez, s/n
> E-31008 Pamplona (Spain)
> Web: http://pagina.de/pamplonetario
> Email: planetario en cin.es
> Phone: (34) (9)48-262628
> Fax: (34) (9)48 261919
> -----Original Message-----
> De: James Randi -
> Fecha: miércoles 28 de abril de 1999 19:25
> Asunto: Tonight....
> >Tonight, the 28th, at 9 p.m. (time may vary in your area, check it)
> >the Discovery Channel will run "A Skeptic Guide," a program that
> >should be interesting to us.  (They usually repeat such programs later
> >at midnight, so you've twice the chance of catching it.)  The producer
> >probably did well by the JREF, but we'll see.  One thing you should
> >know about the content of the show: you won't find Uri Geller
> >mentioned anywhere.  Mr. Geller is so touchy about the word "skeptic,"
> >that he trembles every time he hears it.  As a result, the producer
> >called to inform me that the Discovery Channel (legal office, the
> >president, all sorts of others there) had received numerous threats of
> >lawsuits from Geller's lawyers -- and they hadn't even seen the
> >program!  As a result, the Discovery Channel simply chopped Geller out
> >of the program altogether.  For someone who is trying so hard to make
> >a come-back, you'd think that this former psychic superstar would
> >welcome any sort of TV exposure (oops!  Wrong word!) just to keep his
> >name up there.  He must have something to be sensitive about, you
> >might conclude.....  So, the former star will not be discussed on "A
> >Skeptic Guide."  We can only hope that his lawyers will continue to
> >threaten other TV producers, and that we may be relieved of the same
> >old tired spoonbending routine.  Or, he may get a new repertoire
> >together.  Fat chance.
> >
> >See you on TV!
> >                        Randi
> >
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> >ftp.ssr.com is the home of the hotline, but we are very over loaded,
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> >
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