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Buenisimo, espero con ansias la segunda parte sobre los dolores menstruales.
Y como decia mi madre, con menos ciencia pero con infinitamente mucha mas
sabiduria: El día que los hombres puedan tener hijos el aborto sera el
primer articulo en todas las constituciones del mundo como un derecho
inalienable. La planificacion familiar se enseñara junto con el alfabeto (si
no antes) y las pildoras anticonceptivas y el cuidado prenatal estaran
cubiertos por todas las obras sociales de manera gratuita y obligatoria.
La rabiosa feminista (joder, que se nos infiltro una!!!!!!)
Marcela E. Brusa-Daly
Romance Languages and Literatures
University of Chicago
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es
> [mailto:owner-escepticos en dis.ulpgc.es]On Behalf Of Javier Garrido B.
> Sent: Saturday, September 11, 1999 3:07 PM
> To: Escépticos
> Subject: [escepticos] ANOTHER FEMINIST LIE EXPOSED
> Hola a todos.
> Aquí va un toque de humor, para ver si amaina la polémica sobre quien
> habla mejor, o si mis rios son más auténticos que los tuyos.
> Saludos
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------
> By Nick Cooper
> Q: From time to time, I hear reports that childbirth is painful. Knowing
> full well that childbirth is a
> natural process, I find this difficult to believe and remain skeptical.
> What's the truth of the matter?
> A: Clearly you are a very discerning man. As skeptics we have a duty to
> hold common beliefs up to
> consideration and careful scrutiny. Although many people, normally women
> or so-called "sensitive"
> men (i.e. wimps who use underhanded tactics like "listening to their
> partners" to get laid), claim that
> childbirth is painful, hard proof is lacking. In fact, in all cases
> claims of childbirth being painful can be
> traced back to anecdotal evidence or unconfirmed eye witness reports,
> and, as skeptics, we simply
> cannot allow this sort of evidence to substitute for hard facts.
> Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and clearly this is
> a case in point. Some theorize
> that as newborns receive great attention, some women will strive through
> underhanded means, using
> feminine wiles, to compete. Hence we have a simple and mundane
> explanation for the noises, claims
> of pain, shouts, contorted expressions and other such "signs" of pain
> that some women allegedly
> make while giving birth. (Some women even claim that sweating, of all
> things, is a sign of pain.) If we
> apply Occam's razor to this "phenomena" then we have a perfectly
> rational explanation (feminine
> trickery) without resorting to new claims (the alleged "pain").
> When consulting with qualified experts, just as we'd expect, we find
> skepticism on this issue. Some
> time ago, I spoke to Gus Patelli, former high school football coach,
> clearly a recognized expert on
> pain of all sorts. "Nah, Don't listen to women when they complain about
> childbirth," he said. "Its
> nothing. In fact, it hurts worse to get kicked in the balls. Women don't
> know how good they have it."
> Not only are his professional credentials impeccable, his team having
> often won the regional
> championships, let me also point out that this man is, in fact, a CSICOP
> fellow and hence uniquely
> qualified to speak on the subject of fringe claims. 1
> Having exhausted their meager store of direct evidence, proponents of
> the so-called "childbirth is
> painful" notion are soon quick to point to tangential fact with little
> direct relevance. For instance, they
> often point out that the medical profession dispenses large amounts of
> painkillers to women in
> childbirth each year. Clearly, if they consider this "proof," they are
> grasping at straws. Not only is it
> lacking a direct cause and effect correlation to the claim, its also
> true that in many cases its the very
> same women who take these painkillers who then turn around and claim to
> be in the most pain! The
> illogic is obvious. As a criminologist and a former Long Island
> policeman, I've seen just how tough
> the streets can be. Let me point out to sheltered academics that a
> glue-sniffing, single-mother, junkie,
> biker-chick, dope-fiend will tell all sorts of lies on the off chance
> that she may be able to receive
> controlled substances from some dewy eyed bleeding heart liberal with a
> mishandled prescription
> pad and a poorly sharpened pencil stub! I know this. I'm a former
> detective. I've seen these things.
> And let me remind these same naive people of just how often it is that a
> cash-stricken hospital, low
> on operating funds, will suddenly "remember" that child birth is painful
> and then, quite conveniently,
> "remember" that the patient will "need" an expensive operation called a
> Cesarean section, billing them
> accordingly, of course! The world can be a hard place and it pays to be
> skeptical.
> Finally, although some will argue that I don't know what I'm talking
> about, never having been through
> childbirth myself, let me clearly point out that not only is this an
> obvious obfuscationist tactic, it is also
> completely irrelevant. After all, as my dear friend Joe Nickell is fond
> of pointing out, "The
> responsibility of proof lies with the believer." I can hear the
> emotion-laden shouts of angered feminist
> extremists already. "Oh yeah, Asshole," they will surely cry, "That's
> the stupidest thing I've heard?
> How would you like to have a bowling ball pushed down the middle of your
> dick?! Don't you think
> that would hurt?" I've heard this before and it's hardly scientific. Let
> me remind such people, I am a
> skeptic. I did not enter this field to win popularity contests. I
> entered it to find the truth. Come to me
> when you have one solid piece of real proof, not mere hollow, tangential
> analogies or flimsy appeals
> to emotion.
> -Coming soon: Menstrual cramps -Manufactured hoax or mere urban legend?
> ABOUT THE AUTHOR- Nick Cooper, famed skeptical investigator of
> paranormal claims, is
> currently in big trouble with the SPCA after definitively debunking,
> once and for all, the myth that
> cats have nine lives. "The SPCA does not appreciate the scientific
> method," he states. "I am a martyr
> and a political prisoner being held by some fuzzy thinking, New Age,
> political appointee-dupes." He
> is currently working on a book from jail arguing that the sexually
> explicit letters to Penthouse
> magazine are not necessarily true, while simultaneously exposing the
> more serious issue of the myth
> that women can have orgasms. "They're all fake," says Cooper. "My
> ex-wife let me in on the secret
> right before she left me."
> 1. "And even if it did cause pain," Coach Patelli added. "A lot of
> people don't realize that pain
> doesn't really hurt. Its all in your head. And besides its good for
> you."