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RE: [escepticos] Joyita II

Para ahorrarles un poco de tiempo y paciencia, les envio parte del
comentario en el site que envie de David Duke. El comentario se refiere a la
autobiografia del tipo ese. (si mas de cuatro interesados necesitan
traduccion, me ofrezco a hacer una)
Lamentablemente algunas de esas opiniones las he visto en su momento en esta
lista, y fui objeto de un apaleamiento publico por llamar la atencion sobre
lo dudoso de sus motivaciones.
Aqui tienen en Blanco y Negro, confirmacion de que ese tipo de discurso va
de la mano con el Ku Klux Klan, organizacion que no necesito describir, ya
que su existencia y sus objetivos son de dominio publico. Este tipo esta
fuertemente relacionado con ellos. Ademas de esto, defiende el derecho a
portar armas (alguien realmente se sentiria seguro sabiendo que este tipo
anda por ahi con una pistola?) la pena de muerte y la segregacion.
Es posible acceder a ciertas partes del libro en el site. Por supuesto
sugiero no comprarlo y si es de interes mirarlo en alguna biblioteca. Que no
es cuestion de llenarle las arcas para darse cuenta de los excrementos
ideologicos que contiene. Porque desgraciadamente hacer esto les da a esta
gente el argumento de la masiva venta del libro.
Les aseguro que estos son mas peligrosos que los yogis voladores, hay mucha
gente aqui en USA para quienes este tipo de discurso es no solo familiar
sino que lo consideran "votable"
Si esto contesta un poco la discusion esa en la que Lerma dijo que seria muy
posible que se instaurara una dictadura en este pais, les cuento que
Buchannan (a quien menciono Miguel en aquel mensaje), uno de los acolitos de
este tipo  Acaba de separarse del partido Republicano (demasiado comunistas
para su gusto)para constituirse en un tercer candidato. Por suerte, eso
significa que los republicanos solo tienen al hijo de Bush como esperanza y
probablemente pierda la eleccion que viene ya que estas cosas tienen por
efecto el dividir el voto "conservador a ultranza". Por el momento nos
salvamos, pero el dia que a los republicanos se les vaya la mano con el
candidato estamos sonados.

Socio-biological-political history? suena conocido?

Me encantaria saber quienes forman parte de ese "Behavior Genetics


"More than just a book. It is a painstakingly documented, academically
excellent work of socio-biological-political history that has the potential
to raise tremendous contro-versy and change the very course of history."

Prof. Glayde Whitney
recent President of the Behavior Genetics Association


My Awakening has just arrived from its publisher. It is a powerful
autobiographical account of David Duke's evolution from a typical American
son to one of the most controversial political leaders in the world. His
compelling story takes us from his early life and love of the wetlands and
forests of south Louisiana to his activism for the rights and heritage of
European Americans. It recounts his political victory in the House of
Representatives from Louisiana, and his subsequent amazing races for the
U.S. Senate and Governorship that won him a landslide of White voters (over
60%) even though he was vastly out spent and attacked relentlessly by a
hostile media.

Two-thirds of the book is devoted to his awakening on the most important
issue of our time: RACE. He offers compelling evidence that belief in racial
equality is the modern scientific equivalent of believing that the earth is
flat. Duke offers proof that the disciples of the new religion of racial
egalitarianism have suppressed the evidence of racial differences in the
mass media. In a startling chapter, he reveals how America?s Founding
Fathers, including the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence and who
gave us our Constitution?s Bill of Rights, Thomas Jefferson, had opinions on
race opposite of what is popularly perceived. David Duke goes on to show the
irrepressible influence of race on the rise and fall of civilizations, and
why the changing racial demographics of America and Europe, if left
unchecked, will destroy the values and viability of Western Civilization.

In a major section of his book, David Duke offers compelling evidence
(primarily from Jewish sources) that a prominent segment of Jewry promotes
what he calls ?Jewish supremacism.? He is careful to point out that this
supremacist segment does not include all Jews, but that this supremacist
element dominates the leading Jewish religious and social organizations.
They support Israel, which is clearly a Jewish supremacist state, complete
with ethnic cleansing, segregation, and discrimination against the original
Palestinian inhabitants. Duke maintains that not only do these organized
Jewish groups seek supremacy in Israel, but also pursue hegemony in the
major nations of the world through media domination and political influence.

In the Jewish Question section, he documents their overwhelming dominance in
the mass media, from the Hollywood studios of the West Coast to the Eastern
Seaboard newsrooms of New York and Washington. While supporting extreme
Jewish nationalism and ethnocentrism in Israel and in Jewish communities
around the world, David Duke documents through documented quotes of their
own leaders - the efforts of Jewish supremacists to lessen ethnic pride and
solidarity in all other ethnic and racial groups but their own.

He documents through amazing documents from the National Archives of the
United States and quotes from historical figures such as Winston Churchill,
the world-coordinated and predominant Jewish role in the Russian Revolution
and the world Communist movement.

Duke shows that the leading organizations of organized Jewry have ruthlessly
pursued their political and economic interests on a global scale, while
condemning all other groups that dare to defend their own interests and well
being. He provides quotes from official publications of Jewish organizations
boasting of their dominant role in changing immigration policies. Duke
quotes Jewish leaders who admit their intent to make European Americans a
minority in America and throughout the Western World.

Perhaps the greatest gift of this book, is not simply its masterful
rendition of the facts of race and the Jewish role in the leading of the
Western World to a racial apocalypse. In the last section of his book, David
Duke takes us on a journey of the heart. He offers a rousing call to courage
and honor in the battle for our heritage and freedom. It will spark activity
and dedication from all but the most timid. As Glayde Whitney wrote
eloquently in his introduction, the word ?powerful? kept coming to his mind.
This book is lightning on paper and will strike both your mind and spirit in
a way that no other modern book can match.

My Awakening is the most powerful book in print on the race and Jewish
Question. Scholarly but readable, factual yet passionate, many report that
it is the most interesting and convincing book they have ever read. A
classic, it is now a bestseller in the Western World, and once you read it
you will know that many future generations will read and treasure it.