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[escepticos] The Inquisitive Skeptic Workshop
Acabo de recibir un folletito de una asociación de estas malvadísimas, quiero
decir, escépticas y ateas y herejes y conspiratorias y demás. En concreto, se
llama Center for Inquiry, y ofrece varios cursillos y seminarios este verano. Os
transcribo el resumen de los contenidos del curso que ofrecen en Eugene, a una
hora en coche de donde yo me encuentro:
------------------------------------Empieza transcripción-----------------------
University of Oregon at Eugene
This workshop is for those who are not content simply to call themselves
"skeptics." Rather it is for those who want hands-on experience investigating
and thinking about actual cases involving paranormal and extraordinary claims.
Each participant will join a team and be assigned two actual cases to
investigate. During the first case, the team will be guided by one of the
faculty members. Teams will investigate their second case without faculty
supervision. At a final plenary session teams will report on their findings and
discussions will take place.
James Alcock is Professor of Psychology, York University and a member of
CSICOP's Executive Council.
Jerry Andrus is a magician, inventor, and iconoclast. He is a CSICOP Fellow.
Barry Beyerstein is Professor of Psychology at Simon Fraser University and a
member of CSICOP's Executive Council.
Ray Hyman is Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon and a member of
CSICOP's Executive Council.
Loren Pankratz is a Clinical Psychologist at Oregon Health Sciences University
and a CSICOP Fellow.
Wally Sampson is Editor of "The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine" and a
CSICOP Fellow.
Ni qué decir tiene que esto suena de lo más divertido y tentador. ¿Alguno de los
presentes conoce un poco a los miembros de la Faculty esta? Mi economía está
algo cojitranca, pero puede que merezca la pena el esfuerzo, si tengo tiempo.
Saludos aplicados,