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[escepticos] ¿Que tanto hay de cierto?

Virus por e-mail sin adjuntos :

Me ha llegado esta información :

Email viruses are now spreading WITHOUT THE USER OPENING ANY ATTACHMENT.
Personal computers running Internet Explorer (IE) version 5.0 and/or
Microsoft Office 2000 are vulnerable to virus attacks using most
HTML-enabled email systems, even if the email recipient opens no
attachments. You don't even have to use IE; just have it installed with the
default security settings. If you have not closed the hole, you can receive
viruses (and spread them) by viewing or previewing malicious email without
opening any attachment, or by visiting a malicious web site. The problem is
caused by a programming bug in an Internet Explorer ActiveX control called
scriptlet.typelib. This is by far the fastest growing virus distribution
problem and ripe for a hugely destructive event - at least as large as the
ILOVEYOU virus. Updating your virus detection software, while important, is
not an effective solution for this problem. You must also close the hole.
The hole can be closed in five minutes or less using tools available at
Microsoft's security site:

The correction script may be run directly from:


Editor's Note: Thanks to Jimmy Kuo of Network Associates and Nick FitzGerald
of Computer Virus Consulting Ltd. for raising the visibility of this
dangerous problem.


Alberto Villa