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Re: [escepticos] ¿Que tanto hay de cierto?
Mientras haya sistemas estúpidos de correo que ejecutan cualquier
script que reciben sin preguntar ni encomendarse a santo alguno,
claro que es cierto.
No se trata de que no tenga adjuntos, sino de que el usuario no
tiene que abrirlos/ejecutarlos explícitamente. Basta con abrir
el mensaje, y el programa de correo hace el resto.
Recomendación: si no te queda más remedio que usar güindous, no
instales la última versión. Espera a que tenga al menos un año y
se conozcan todos sus problemas.
Alberto Villa wrote:
> Virus por e-mail sin adjuntos :
> Me ha llegado esta información :
> Email viruses are now spreading WITHOUT THE USER OPENING ANY ATTACHMENT.
> Personal computers running Internet Explorer (IE) version 5.0 and/or
> Microsoft Office 2000 are vulnerable to virus attacks using most
> HTML-enabled email systems, even if the email recipient opens no
> attachments. You don't even have to use IE; just have it installed with the
> default security settings. If you have not closed the hole, you can receive
> viruses (and spread them) by viewing or previewing malicious email without
> opening any attachment, or by visiting a malicious web site. The problem is
> caused by a programming bug in an Internet Explorer ActiveX control called
> scriptlet.typelib. This is by far the fastest growing virus distribution
> problem and ripe for a hugely destructive event - at least as large as the
> ILOVEYOU virus. Updating your virus detection software, while important, is
> not an effective solution for this problem. You must also close the hole.
> The hole can be closed in five minutes or less using tools available at
> Microsoft's security site:
> http://www.microsoft.com/security/bulletins/ms99-032.asp
> The correction script may be run directly from:
> http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/iebuild/scriptlet/en/scriptlet.htm
> Editor's Note: Thanks to Jimmy Kuo of Network Associates and Nick FitzGerald
> of Computer Virus Consulting Ltd. for raising the visibility of this
> dangerous problem.
> Saludos
> Alberto Villa