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[escepticos] **Para interesados en : Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Information
He recibido el siguiente mail (¿comercial?), tal vez pueda ser de interés
para algunos *amantes de los fierros*, como decimos por estas tierras.
Alberto Villa
----- Mensaje original -----
De: Automotive Research and Design Company <arandd en ix.netcom.com>
Para: Electric Vehicle Two 121500-03 <arandd en ix.netcom.com>
Enviado: Viernes, 15 de Diciembre de 2000 11:44 p.m.
Asunto: Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Information
> Hybrid and Electric Vehicles are here, and our new publication in book or
> Disc (CD) format, explains how this fascinating technology works. If you
> interested in the technology of your next car or truck, this publication
> explain it in detail without all of the math or extensive engineering
> You can view and order this publication at: http://www.arandd.com
> The future is Electric!
> Thank You
> Automotive Research and Design Company
> Thank You